$9.98 for entire album in high quality mp3 format. $0.99 for a single track.
The genre of Blues has about 150 years of history. During the process of its development, Blues influenced other popular genres – Rock, Hip Hop, Jazz, Country, Pop, Swing, Soul, Country, even modern Asian music. That’s why Alexander Goldstein decided to combine all these Blues crossover genres in the album Blues Kaleidoscope.

Blues Is A Very Popular Music Genre in Figure Skating And Ice Dancing.

It’s a known fact that many Elite and up and coming athletes use Blues music in figure skating programs, as well as in ice dancing and gymnastics routines. Blues music helps athletes to not rush, because it has moderate and steady tempo, strong rhythm structure and vivid melodies. It’s very important in performances of difficult elements and helps to execute them with a perfectly accentuated quality.
There are several examples of various Blues music in this album: California Blues is a Rock Blues, Party Blues is a Hip Hop Blues, Big Beat Blues is a Swing Blues, to name a few.
Because music of digital album Blues Kaleidoscope was picked with sport specifics needs in mind, your music selection process will be easy.

Blues Music Is A Good Choice for Figure Skating programs And Ice Dancing

If you decided to use Blues music for free dance in ice dances, for short or free program in single or for pairs skating, this album is for you!
Please don’t hesitate to use our FREE music download option. So, take demo track(s) to wherever you need to try it and make your decision before purchasing. If you works, buy a track or entire album. Note, if you are buying the Album, each track will cost less than 50 cents.
If you like music of this album we recommend checking out our other albums, Street Dances and Huge Hip Hop is the company with unlimited music services. Among other services there are music arrangements and professional Custom Music Editing. Your music is always edited here according with rules and specifications of your sport.

Please help us honor the copyrighted work of composers and performers. The audio protection will not interfere with your overall listening experience.

Album’s Info:
Publisher: ABG World, LLC (ASCAP)
Release Date: 2020
Copyright: © 2020 ABG World, LLC (ASCAP)
$9.98 for entire album in high quality mp3 format
$0.99 for a single track